AcceptInvitationResponse | |
AddItemFile | |
AddItemsRequest | |
AddItemsResponse | |
AddItemsResultSummary | |
AddItemsStatus | |
BucketMetadata | This is equivalent to the BucketSchema struct of the space-daemon. It contains information about a users bucket schema. |
CreateFolderRequest | |
DirectoryEntry | Represents an item stored in a storages directory |
FileMember | Represents a member on a shared file |
FileMetadata | Represents metadata information about a file stored in users storage |
FullPath | FullPath represents full path information to a file. dbId is optional and only required for when re-sharing files in another db. |
GetFilesSharedByMeResponse | |
GetFilesSharedWithMeResponse | |
GetNotificationsResponse | |
GetRecentlySharedWithResponse | |
Identity | Identity represents an entity capable of signing a message. This is a simple "private key" interface that must be capable of returning the associated "public key" for verification. In many cases, the Identity will just be a private key. |
IdentityStorage | An IdentityStorage handles persistence of Identity for the Users class.The sdk provides two implementation for this. See BrowserStorage and FileStorage. |
Invitation | Invitation represents a file invitation invitationID is the same as the underlying message ID from Textile |
ListDirectoryRequest | |
ListDirectoryResponse | |
MakeFilePublicRequest | |
MovePathsResponse | |
MovePathsResultSummary | |
MovePathsStatus | |
Notification_2 | |
NotificationSubscribeEvent | |
NotificationSubscribeResponse | |
OpenFileRequest | |
OpenFileResponse | |
OpenUuidFileRequest | |
OpenUuidFileResponse | |
Public | Public is any entity associated with a given Identity that is capable of verifying a signature produced by said identity. In most cases, a public key will be obtained as a property of an object implementing the Identity key interface. |
SharedFileMetadata | Represents files that were shared with the current store user |
SharedWithMeFiles | SharedWithMeFiles Represents a file created for the user |
SharePublicKeyInput | Data object to represent public key of a user to share information with |
SharePublicKeyOutput | Data object to represent public key of a user to share information with |
ShareUserMetadata | |
ShareViaPublicKeyRequest | |
ShareViaPublicKeyResponse | |
SpaceUser | Represents an authenticated KeyPair identity with valid API session token. |
TxlSubscribeBucketEvent | |
TxlSubscribeResponse | |
UserMetadataStore | Metadata Store manages storing and retrieval of a particular users bucket schema information. |
UsersConfig | Configuration option provided to the Users class. |
UserStorageConfig | |
Vault | Vault interface is used by the Users class to perform secure storage and retrieval of sensitive credentials. |
VaultItem | Object representing item stored or retrieved from the vault. |
VaultServiceConfig | |